I am currently working on numberous things. One of them is a new version of the album "Back at Square One" (iTunes / Spotify). The new version will be named "Let's face it, the square's gone" and is a total overhaul of all 13 tracks. The one I'm working on now is called "A New Home" and is originally called "A Home" (iTunes / Spotify). This is the most popular track from the album according to websales and Spotify-statistics. So I wanted to make it different while still putting the story from the lyrics in the center.
Well, the original was a piano-piece with some cellos and lots of room for vocals. On the new version I dropped the piano, got some old beatbox-rhythm and a nice bassline on it. I also added some pads and noises - and finally the element that is so hard to get right - sampled digital-style choirs. I'm gonna show you two examples below of it.
First up is a progression on the track that features the raw sound of this choir in the mix:
(The choir is way up in amplitude compared to the final mix)
A new home - Unprocessed by Copenhagen Noise Lab
And here's the same progression but with some guitar-amp modelling and tremolo-FX on, it makes quite a big change to the track (IMO):
(The choir is way up in amplitude compared to the final mix)
A new home - Processed by Copenhagen Noise Lab
I hope you enjoy it. I sure love this track and I think the new arrangement gives it a whole new life.
(BTW, as some of you may have noticed I changed the top-image of this blog as I finally gotten time to design a logotype for CNL.)